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You Cannot Lose Hope!

Values September 8, 2019

If you own or work in a family business and things are not going well then you might find solace in knowing that many of us—if not all of us—have been there (or are there).

The reality is that running or owning your own business can be a butt-kicker.

The outsiders look at your lifestyle and are quick to comment—I am sure you have heard it, “You are so lucky to own your own business!”

They normally have no idea the blood, sweat, and tears that you have endured to get to this point in your life. They have no idea how much stress you have carried with you; they have no idea how much sleep you have lost and how many early mornings you have, quite honestly, endured just to get your tired butt into the office and make things happen when that is the last thing you feel like doing!

They have never had to meet payroll; they have never had to deal with replacing employees that quit or don’t show up for work; they have never had to deal with taxes, impossible laws, government meddling, etc., etc.

Owning your own business, particularly when family members are involved, can be extremely difficult.

If you are facing a time like that in your business, my simple message today is to hang on, don’t give up, don’t give in. You can make this happen.

Quite honestly, every business, small, medium or large, goes through excruciatingly tough times. Most businesses, frankly, have near-misses on complete failure.

The difference between success and failure, in almost all cases, is a very thin line.

If you have the courage to get into work and do something when the chips are down, your ability to overcome will go up significantly.

The worst thing you can do is freeze or panic—which is the easiest and most normal reaction.

Find a way out of that panic zone no matter what it takes. Sometimes it will require crawling to work; sometimes it will require doing your job when your stomach is so tied up in knots that you just want to sit and stare at the ceiling.

The reality for most of us is that the action of work, though hard to start, actually creates relief to your fears and anxiety. Getting to work can be hard, starting on projects can be hard, but once you do, once you start, the fears begin to subside and you can actually find relief in the act of work.

Try your best to simply focus on the tasks needed to be accomplished and work without thinking.

If you feel trapped, look for any action possible to outwit and work out of your situation.

If you need more sales, for example, get to work on finding them. Try everything and then try again.

If you need more cash, get to work on finding it. Call everyone that owes you money; call them more than once. Ask your vendors for a little relief—do whatever it takes and keep doing it. All of a sudden, you will start gaining momentum, the universe (or God) will see your work and begin to work for you. (One of my favorite axioms that I repeat often is simply this, “Work like everything depends on you and pray as everything depends on God.”)

Positive self-talk is also helpful and essential. You have the courage to be there; you have the courage to take on the risk that hardly anyone is willing to endure. Tell yourself positive stories in the shower before heading to work. Tell yourself about your own courage. Tell yourself that you are good enough; tell yourself that you got this.

Take thirty minutes a day (I recommend first thing in the morning) to read inspirational materials, meditate, ponder, pray and connect with God. Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal.

Also, and I know this is hard, find thirty minutes a day to walk, exercise or stretch.

This recipe has helped me and thousands of others in your shoes. I have seen it work so many times—things have a way of working out if we just stick with it and have the courage to never give up. Listen to your thoughts, trust your gut, make pivots or changes in your business where you sense they need to be made—even when it feels risky.

Those intuitions are normally the exact right thing to do.

Finally, go find someone else to help. So many people need help. Offering your helping hand and lifting others out of their despair is often the very best medicine to give you the same relief.

You got this…got get it done!
