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Family Business Owners are the Bravest Heros I know!

Leadership July 5, 2019

Families running businesses are some of the most heroic and brave people I know. In so many cases, these brave-hearted souls courageously risk everything to work in tough industries where the line between success and failure is ultra thin!

Owners of these types of small businesses are often asked to sign personally on bank notes and loans. Every time they sign the dotted line, they put their livelihood on the table, including their homes and savings accounts.

They convince people to invest in their dreams, often close friends and relatives. These investments come as sacred treasures which ramp up the pressure to succeed even more.

Owners and family members in these small businesses work unbelievable hours. They endure stress, strain, anxiety, criticism, nay-sayers and, worst of all, governmental roadblocks that never end.

Despite all of that, these amazing small business owners get up every morning and go to battle to create a business and a dream both for their families and all the men and women that work for them.

I admire these people and I pray for every one of them to succeed.

To that end, we work with Family Businesses to develop skills and practices that will transform their businesses and, even more importantly, maintain their loving family relationships.

I have been there. I’ll say it again, I have so been there!

I know how hard this can be but I also know that there can be success. There are tools that we have developed that can truly help you succeed in every front.

Family Business Pointe is designed as a solution for that very thing—we focus solely on small family business. We can help you drive your company forward in amazing ways.

Subscribe and follow us. We will give dozens of pointers and if they help we can provide even more. Contact us and give us a chance to explain.

We salute you and we want to help you make this work.
